My answer to the age old question of "what do you do?" (which is a part of everyday dialect among Americans in the getting-to-know-you stage of a relationship) has always baffled those who ask it. To say the word Hydrologist seems to bring a rather vast array of responses, from puzzled looks to an elementary understanding of the profession. My boring, timeless answer has always been "I study the flow of water." Sometimes the puzzled expression on their face turns to a look of acceptance as they find a better understanding of my profession within themselves with a rather generic response of "oh, so you study water quality?" My annoyance after this response tends to bring the conversation to a quick close as I vaguely continue to define my career with, "No I study water quantity, rivers, flooding, etc" The brave who wish to continue this conversation, and I now salute them for being inquisitive, ask one final question, which is "why?"
One of the reasons I have started this blog is to close the gap between the average American and the profession of Hydrology. In reality a Hydrologist wears many hats, but to begin I will start with my experiences growing into a career as a Hydrologist. Let me start at the beginning....